The Tromp Queen COOKS!

The Tromp Queen Cooks! Family Favorites: old and new — all delicious!

Good and Cheap

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image by Owen Jones, via Flickr CC license

image by Owen Jones, via Flickr CC license

I am always on the search for inexpensive, healthy meals that also taste really good and don’t take forever to make (or have a hundred ingredients).

I read this article by NPR entitled “Cheap Eats:  Cookbook shows how to eat well on a Food Stamp Budget.”

The best part is that you can get this great cookbook with a lot of great “cheap eats” for FREE here.

“It really bothered me,” Cheap Eats cookbook author Leanne Brown says. “The 47 million people on food stamps — and that’s a big chunk of the population — don’t have the same choices everyone else does.”

Brown guessed that she could help people in SNAP, the federal government’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, find ways to cook filling, nourishing and flavorful meals. So she set out to write a cookbook full of recipes anyone could make on a budget of just $4 a day.

The result is Good and Cheap, which is free online and has been downloaded over 200,000 times since she posted it on her website in early June. A July Kickstarter campaign also helped Brown raise $145,000 to print copies for people without computer access.


The recipes in Good and Cheap are organized into several categories:  Breakfast, Soup, Salad, Snacks and Small Bites, Handheld, Dinner, Big Batches, Staples, Drinks, Desserts, Sauces and Flavor and several generally informative sections about shopping and planning are included as well.

In looking through the recipes, I found several that I plan to try. They look simple to prepare, flavorful and as advertised — good and cheap! The photography is excellent, too!  Nearly all the recipes have beautiful, full-color photographs to help you see what your finished product will (hopefully) look like.

I hope you’ll check out this great little cookbook. Please let me know if you do, what you make and how you like it. Thanks!


Author: quirkyjazz

I am a pianist, musician, music teacher, choir director, mother, wife, daughter, sister, cousin, sister-in-law, friend, neighbor. I enjoy music (of course!), quilting, sewing, beading, traveling, kayaking, camping, biking, hiking, gardening, knitting, scrapbooking, cooking, reading, poetry, drinking good coffee, and having fun with family and friends. NOTE -- Creative Commons License: All work of The Tromp Queen (quirkyjazz, aka Jill) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Unported License.

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  1. Pingback: Good and Cheap (again) | The Tromp Queen COOKS!

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