The Tromp Queen COOKS!

The Tromp Queen Cooks! Family Favorites: old and new — all delicious!

Good and Cheap (again)

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Good and Cheap: A Cookbook by Leanne Brown.  Print your own copy FREE!  Follow the link in the blog post.

Good and Cheap: A Cookbook by Leanne Brown. Print your own copy FREE! Follow the link in the blog post.

I found these great free cookbooks a while ago. But I just discovered the author’s website and the links to print PDF copies of both books FREE! The photography is absolutely gorgeous. The recipes look delicious and seem quite easy overall. It is refreshing to find this resource for inexpensive meals and snacks using fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Let’s get inspired to try something new this week that is good for OURSELVES and good for our WALLETS, too!

(Hah! The joke is on me. I DID apparently already know about the links to print. Here is the blog post I wrote about this same topic last summer)

What is Good and Cheap?

Good and Cheap is a cookbook written by Leanne Brown for people with very tight budgets, particularly those on SNAP/Food Stamp benefits. It is also a great resource for anyone wanting to eat healthy meals without spending a fortune. The PDF is free and has been downloaded more than 800,000 times.

Is the PDF really free? Can I print some recipes?

Yes it’s really free. Sharing the power of cooking is the whole point of the Good and Cheap project. Because the 1st edition is under a Creative Commons license, you are free to use the recipes however you like so long as you give Leanne Brown credit and you don’t make money off her work. Enjoy it!

Can I save the PDF to my computer?

Yep! To save a copy of Good and Cheap on your computer, right-click this download link instead of left-clicking. You should see a menu with an option like “Save Link As…” or “Save File As…”. If you select that option, you’ll be able to save the PDF to your computer. If that link doesn’t work, try this one.

From Scratch:   A Cookbook by Leanne Brown.  Print your own copy FREE!  Follow the link in the blog post.

From Scratch: A Cookbook by Leanne Brown. Print your own copy FREE! Follow the link in the blog post.

Leanne Brown’s first cookbook! From Scratch is a vegetarian cookbook intended for people just becoming comfortable in their own kitchens. Download a FREE pdf copy HERE.

These books are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercialShareAlike 4.0 license. For more information, visit by-nc-sa/4.0.

Author: quirkyjazz

I am a pianist, musician, music teacher, choir director, mother, wife, daughter, sister, cousin, sister-in-law, friend, neighbor. I enjoy music (of course!), quilting, sewing, beading, traveling, kayaking, camping, biking, hiking, gardening, knitting, scrapbooking, cooking, reading, poetry, drinking good coffee, and having fun with family and friends. NOTE -- Creative Commons License: All work of The Tromp Queen (quirkyjazz, aka Jill) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Unported License.

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